TAMPA, Fla. — Improving attendance is a district wide initiative for Hillsborough County Schools, with statistics showing a direct correlation between absenteeism and lower student achievement.

Sheehy Elementary School focused on improving its school grade this year, and the principal tackled chronic absenteeism before school even started — making sure parents, and students, know the expectations.

What You Need To Know

  • Sheehy Elementary launched a campaign for perfect attendance the first 20 days of school

  • Statistics show if a student misses just two days of school in the first 20 days, they're already on the path for chronic absenteeism, which correlates to lower student achievement

  • Improving attendance is a district wide initiative for the 2024-2025 school year 

  • BN9: Back-to-School 

“Today we’re going to talk a little bit about our vision for the year, we’re going to talk about our expectations, especially focusing on attendance,” said Sheehy Elementary School Principal, Delia Gadson, addressing parents in the “Parent Huddle” at open house.

Principal Gadson laid out all of the expectations for the school year at open house. As she mentioned, the big one is being present.

“Parents need to know that if their child has just two absences in those first 20 days, they’re already on the path for chronic absenteeism, which correlates to lower student achievement,” said Principal Gadson.

“That news was very shocking, to know that how many kids miss school,” said Jhane Smith. She has two kids attending Sheehy this year, a third grader, and a little one in Head Start. 

Smith admits, attendance hasn’t been a top priority in the past, but she learned how important it is in the Parent Huddle.

“She did notify us of statistics that I did not know of, but knowing that, I know to take attendance more serious than what I did. Because I was a parent that was, 'Oh, they’re out on Friday, they can stay home today, we’ll just take it as a free day, you guys can read two, or three books.' But now that I know this information, it’s definitely not going to be like that this year.”

Which is just what Principal Gadson hoped parents would get from the huddle. 

Teachers will also be tracking attendance weekly and working with parents if they notice a student missing class. Students will also be given classroom “jobs” so they’re more motivated, and committed to attending school every day.

“We started a campaign for the first 20 days of school where we’re encouraging perfect attendance.  It’s a strong start for a strong ending,” said Principal Gadson.

Principal Gadson says with everyone working together on the attendance goal, she knows her students will succeed, and put this school year’s theme into action — dreaming big, achieving more.

Principal Gadson says they’ll also be addressing early sign outs, and they’ll follow up with teachers and parents regarding attendance on a weekly basis. She wants parents to know if they run into any issues getting their children to school, there are ways the school can help.