CLEARWATER, Fla. – The Lotz of Blessings nonprofit in Clearwater has a pretty simple mission, which is to organize events throughout the year to help the less fortunate.

They provide snack bags for children who are food insecure.

They provide blankets and sleeping assistance to the homeless.

They provide school supplies for kids who went back to school recently.

What is most impressive is that the organizers of this group are other children.

What You Need To Know

  •  Lotz of Blessings nonprofit in Pinellas helps out with their volunteer programs

  •  Their Pack a Snack program fills bags of snacks for students who are food insecure

  • The nonprofit is partly ran and organized by student volunteers 

Their most recent program is helping make tummies feel full and kids feel good ahead of the long Labor Day Holiday weekend.

In that event, about 55 volunteers with 30 children among them lined up to pack snack bags while they got a lesson in kindness.

Reese Gatchell is a third grader who is participating in the Lotz of Blessings pack a snack program.

“I feel like it’s a kind way to open up to people and help people,” said Reese.

Lotz of Blessings’ Advisory Board Member Rowan Cowley explained how the pack a snack program works.

“Well, they’re volunteering and packing bags for kids who are food insecure,” Rowan said.

Rowan is a seventh-grader in Pinellas County and is helping other students.

He partly runs the show at the Lotz of Blessings.

“We organize all of the projects that we do like this,” he said. “We do this monthly.”

Most recently, they did a back-to-school bash.

“Got donations of a bunch of school supplies and gave it to kids who need supplies for the school year,” said Carter Lotz.

Carter’s parents came up with the idea for Lotz of Blessings.

Carter, who is also in seventh grade, is also an advisory member as well and he has been doing this nonprofit work for about seven years.

“At first I felt confused because I was young,” Carter said.

But then, it made Lotz of sense.

“I feel good cause I get to help,” he said.

And little Reese is well on her way to possibly becoming a student advisor at Lotz of Blessings because of what they do for the community.

“It can go around,” Reese said. “You can pass it to other people. You can say, 'Hey do you want to help at this place,' you know…it’s kind of contagious.”

It is a good feeling everyone should experience.