TAMPA, Fla. — This week's A+ Teacher wants his students to expect the unexpected in his classroom.

Nate Wolkenhauer teaches 7th grade Pre-Algebra at Tampa Prep and he's the assistant head of the middle school.

“I love my job," he said. "I love the relationship aspect of what being a teacher is so cultivating and forming those relationships with students, helping them grow."

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He makes lessons fun and engaging so his students can connect with the material.

“I try to make learning enjoyable in the classroom. I try keep the kids on their toes but also challenge them in a way that is going to make them think," said Wolkenhauer. 

Wolkenhauer supports them in the classroom and in what they love to do. He attends their sporting events and performances.

“I think it’s really important for the kids to understand that I care about them and that I care about them as a person not just as a student. It makes a big impact when a teacher shows up to show that support," said Wolkenhauer.

A parent nominated Wolkenhauer to be featured as an A+ Teacher, saying he is "truly a teacher who cares." It's clear that the students and their success mean a lot to him.

“Really being a part of these kids’ lives is the thing that I enjoy the most and the reason why I keep doing what I’m doing," said Wolkenhauer.