TAMPA, Fla. — At the Bakas Equestrian Center in Hillsborough County, groups of athletes are getting ready for a big show Friday and Saturday.

What You Need To Know

“What do you tell your horse?" asks an instructor. "Walk on."

"Walk on,” replied Milsoz Gasior, 21.

Gasior, who lives with a severe form of autism, is atop a mare called Micah. 

Spectrum Bay News 9/Erin Murray
Spectrum Bay News 9/Erin Murray

“Heels down, toes up to the sky," said an instructor to the group.

This is a therapeutic riding lesson.

“I have known Milosz for probably close to 14 years since I started volunteering here," said therapeutic riding instructor Hannah Smith. “He's always happy, always excited to be here, always excited to see his horse.”

Smith has taught Gasior over the years and helped him in many ways.

“He has gotten a lot more verbal in the time that I've known him, just a lot more communicative," she said. "And he also is able to focus a lot more than he started out."

Spectrum Bay News 9/Erin Murray
Spectrum Bay News 9/Erin Murray

Gasior's speech is limited because of his autism, but on horseback he feels comfortable and confident to speak.

"One, two, three," he says as he backs up Micah.

“Very talented guy in his own life," said Jen West, the general manager at Bakas Equestrian Center. "But to see him add this talent to his repertoire has been amazing. With Milosz and and his disability, you know, regulating his attention is a really big deal.”

The talent West is alluding too his Gasior's piano playing ability.

It does seem that riding a horse and playing music align in many ways. They both require rhythm and tempo.

Plus, Gasior shines when it is just him and the piano keys. With riding, he finds a similar ease.

“There is not that same expectation of interaction that there is with other people," said Smith.

Spectrum Bay News 9/Erin Murray
Spectrum Bay News 9/Erin Murray

Riding, also like music, involves a lot of repetition. Gasior and the other students are asked to repeat the same moves on horseback again and again.

In this lesson, he and his fellow students are also preparing. This Friday and Saturday, the Bakas Equestrian Center is hosting the Florida Westcoast Equestrian Competition for the Special Olympics.

Gasior is competing.

“I can't tell you how many riders they get down off the horse. And they're like, 'I did it,' and they come to us with their ribbon and it doesn't even have to be the first place ribbon there," said West. "It could be the fifth place ribbon, but they're like, 'Look, look what I got. I did it!' And they're just so unbelievably proud of themselves.”

Pride is needed, because for Gasior living with autism and navigating adulthood has not been the easiest. He has been working hard for two years now, following high school to find steady employment.

While he does play some paid gigs, it is still something he is building upon.

Being on board Micah, gives Gasior strength to keep defying the tough odds of autism.

“Good job, and then give your horse a pat," said Smith. "Tell her she was a good girl."

"Good girl, said Gasior.

On Sunday, Gasior is playing piano for a charity event to raise money for Special Olympics.