ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Jeremy Wolf has been on a mission since 2020, seeking to help other dogs after losing his own.
“Vanessa was a shelter dog,” Wolf, director of Vanessa’s Lasting Legacy, said. “She was seized by the town. Initially, she was sentenced to euthanasia. Unfortunately, during her stay at the sanctuary, she developed lymphoma. So she passed away in 2022.”
Sparking a movement and a newfound organization — Vanessa’s Lasting Legacy.
“People were super generous to us, during that whole thing with both donations and their just support and friendship,” Wolf said. “So we decided to pay it forward.”
Paying it forward through its first annual Lucky Paws event.
Founders Wolf and his partner Kerry Dudek understand firsthand how their animals affect people's mental health.
“We both have five dogs, six cats at home,” Wolf said. “They're all rescues. This was another way to help animals, but not necessarily flood the market with another rescue, but maybe come at it from a little bit of a different angle that we can still help the community.”
Vanessa’s Lasting Legacy seeks to raise funds to keep animals out of the shelter and provide pet food to veterans, homeless, elderly and those receiving services through independent living, which allows owners to keep their pets while they are struggling to get back on their feet.
“Any of our clients that have animals where they just need some help,” Wolf said. “You know, with food, it's just one less expense for them.”
The organization hopes to show that Vanessa's life was not lost in vain, continuing to help live out her legacy by seeking justice for Vanessa and justice for all.
“Feels good to be able to sort of do something,” Wolf said. “I mean, everyone is very supportive and helpful during the whole justice for Vanessa thing, so it feels really good to be able to give back.”