TAMPA, Fla. - While campaigning in West Tampa Saturday morning, Minnesota Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar spoke about how COVID-19 has personally impacted her family.

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“I think maybe you heard but my husband got COVID early on in March, before anyone ever knew what to do,” she said.  

The Senator addressed a crowd of Democratic voters on the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying finding a solution and someone who will help push a solution through should be the main focus right now. 

“Our president knew back then that it was airborne, but he didn’t tell us the truth and my husband ended up in the hospital. So it’s personal,” she said, adding her father got the virus in his assisted living facility.

“I will never forget standing outside of a window looking in, we’re wearing a mask looking at my dad, and he knows who we are but he is really confused about what’s going on," Klobuchar said.

Klobuchar also spoke about the ongoing negotiations regarding a COVID-19 relief bill. For months, Americans have been hearing that a second round of relief is on the way.

Klobuchar doesn’t think that help will be coming before election night.

“That bill has been sitting on Mitch McConnell’s desk and he is the one just a few days ago said no," she said. The White House sat on it at one point, the President sent out a tweet when he had COVID himself and said, 'No this isn’t going anywhere' and then he changed his mind.

"I mean, this is no way to govern and that’s why it’s not done, because we have someone in the White House that is more interested in sending out tweets then governing.”