On Saturday night, we're jumping forward an hour for daylight saving time.

But, it's about more than just changing our clocks.

This time change has firefighters reminding us to check our smoke detectors, too.

All detectors have a certain life span, and it's important to replace them when needed. That information should be printed right on the back of each device.

Another tip for keeping your detectors in working order, test them regularly to make sure they function properly.

Firefighters say while the equipment is important, it's also smart to take a few minutes and discuss a safety plan in case an emergency happens.

"Taking care of your family is your job, it's your responsibility, and getting out when there's and emergency is the first step," said Ithaca Assistant Fire Chief Tom Basher. "Getting others out is the second step and the best way to do that is the early notification from your smoke detectors, keeping your house clean and your exits accessible."

Another reminder from firefighters is, if you have an older home, make sure windows can open easily.