DAYTONA BEACH, Fla.— The sights and sounds at a baseball game are a big reason why they call the sport America’s favorite past time.

However, 2020 continues to throw curveballs and the newest fan craze is different to say the least.

“It’s a quiet crowd, I’ll say that,” said Dewayne Staats, play-by-play broadcaster for the Tampa Bay Rays.

Teams across MLB are making the best of a tough situation.

“It’s a marketing experience for the Rays to put out to give their fans some type of experience this year because they are not allowed to attend the games,” said Kevin Majeski, Director of print production at DME Visual.

Roughly two and a half hours East from St. Pete is where this year’s Rays fans are coming to life.

Personal cutout fans made by a printing company in Daytona Beach called DME Visual. 

Some are a little more abnormal than others. 

“We had one that was a horse, horse’s head. That was pretty unique,” said Majeski. 

All in all it’s a win-win for everyone involved. 

“It doesn’t matter to us, our goal is to just keep these printers running," said Majeski.