Once Tropical Storm Karen took on the name, we started seeing the memes pour all over social media. One of which reading, "Tropical Storm Karen forms and she already wants to speak to a manager." Don't worry, we're not making fun of the name Karen. My mother has that name too.
What we are here to say is that Karen will soon give up the fight to be a tropical storm.
What does this mean? It means the environment that surrounds Tropical Storm Karen is becoming hostile and therefore Karen can't intensify nor sustain itself much longer.

Strong winds thousands of feet up in the atmosphere will tear what is left of the storm apart to the point where we'll be tracking a remnant low. This will probably happen sooner than later.
So when we see these spaghetti models posted all over social media without any context applied to them, it looks like a tropical system is heading straight to Florida.

This is not the case. Instead, Tropical Storm Karen is going to make a clockwise turn in the Southwestern Atlantic and push west but as a remnant low. Then down the road, what's left of Karen will likely be scooped up to the north before its associated moisture makes it this far west.

The bottom line here-- Karen is no threat to us. So that policy that the customer is always right doesn't apply to Karen in this case when she wanted to speak to that manager.