The Full Sturgeon Moon is the first of two full moons this month. But that's not the only celestial sight you'll see this week.

What You Need To Know

  • This month’s full moon is the Sturgeon Moon

  • It’s also a supermoon and the first of two full moons in August

  • Saturn and maybe a few meteors are also out

August kicks off with a full moon. It’s fullest at 2:31 p.m. ET on Tuesday, but will still appear full the next couple of nights.

The Sturgeon Moon gets its name from the large freshwater fish that’s common in the Great Lakes. Other names include the Ricing Moon, Blackberry Moon and Corn Moon.

Since this is one of the closest full moons of the year, it’s also a supermoon. It’ll be just over 220,000 miles from Earth compared to the average 238,000 miles. Don’t expect it to look bigger than you’re used to, though.

You might also spot a meteor, since two meteor showers are ongoing. The minor Delta Aquariids peaked over the weekend, and the Perseids have just started. However, its peak isn’t for another couple of weeks. You’re better off looking for these in the sky opposite the moon around 2 a.m. local time.

Moon and Saturn will be in the eastern sky early Monday night. (Adapted from Stellarium)

You won’t have to rely on luck to see something else in the night sky, though. Check out Saturn to the left of the moon. According to Sky & Telescope, hold two fists at arm’s length away to guide you to the right place.

This month, as we mentioned, features the Perseid meteor shower and another full moon. Our celestial calendar previews these and other sights for the rest of the year.

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Justin Gehrts - Senior Weather Producer

Justin Gehrts is a senior weather producer for Spectrum News. He has well over a decade of experience forecasting and communicating weather information. Gehrts began his career in 2008 and has been recognized as a Certified Broadcast Meteorologist by the American Meteorological Society since 2010.​