OHIO — It's a big weekend coming up — for one, it's the weekend leading up to St. Patrick's Day on Monday. It's also the start of the NCAA basketball tournament.
It's a weekend to celebrate, however, the Ohio Department of Commerce Division of Liquor Control is reminding Ohioans to celebrate safely and for permit holders to be vigilant.
“As we approach this busy season for Ohio’s bars and restaurants, it’s important that our licensees to take proactive measures to promote safe and responsible celebrations,” said Division Superintendent Jackie DeGenova. “By educating and training their staff, permit holders can create an environment where patrons can enjoy St. Patrick’s Day, the basketball tournament, and other events safely and responsibly this month and throughout the year.”
Liquor permit holders are always encouraged to check identification to verify people are 21 and older, and not just at the door, but at the point of sale. Additionally, officials urge permit holders to compare the photo on the ID to the person, and ask them questions about information on their ID.
Aside from ensuring customers are of age to drink, they should be alert for signs of intoxication and try to refrain from serving those who may have had too much to drink.
As for the Ohioans doing the drinking, they’re asked to do so responsibly by drinking plenty of water, eating food before and during the event, and make plans for safe transportation.
This weekend will feature wet weather with severe storms possible, but it’ll also have warmer weather. Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) visitors are urged to follow the rules, which includes respecting open container laws, local businesses and permit holders.
For DORAs, Ohioans are not allowed to bring their own drinks or outside alcohol. A map of DORA locations as well as more information can be found here.