While most traditional office settings include a regular desk and chair, attorneys for Gray Robinson Law Firm in Tampa are adding a twist to how they get work done.
“I’ve got a lap desk, so I often review and write documents on it and I often pull up my coffee table to sit with folks and go over documents,” attorney Andy Mayts said.
Some of the attorneys at the firm ditched the traditional desk and chairs and opted for something different.
“I was starting to have some lower back problems, so I thought I would look into getting a better chair," attorney Woody Pollack said. "But then I realized I had a really good chair and maybe the human body is not supposed to spend the whole day sitting."
Now, Polliack works at a table he can raise or lower hydraulically and stand at.
Recent studies show that finding an alternative to sitting while working for hours on end work for both productivity and health. And that reason alone drove some attorneys to take the non-traditional office a step further.
“I’m constantly moving, so I feel like my body is more acclimated to the way it should be and not the stationary way I had been operating for quite some time,” attorney Richard Blau said.
Blau turned his traditional desk into storage and uses a tread desk as his workspace.
“By the end of the day, without realizing it, you’ve walked seven or eight miles,” Blau said.
Gray Robinson Law Firm has around 10 Tampa attorneys using either lap, standing or tread desks as workspaces.