A Plant High School student has been charged after he was found in his car with weapons while the school was on lockdown Wednesday morning.
Tampa Police have charged Stratton Patterson, 18, with two counts of possession of a firearm on school property.
According to a report, the school, located at 2415 South Himes Ave, initiated a "modified" lockdown due to a phone call communicating a vague threat. During a search of the school's perimeter by officers and school security, Patterson was spotted in his car with weapons.
Hillsborough Schools spokesperson Tanya Arja said the incident with Patterson, who is an avid hunter, was unrelated to the earlier phone threat to the school.
Because the school was already on lockdown, Patterson could not enter the facility and was waiting in his vehicle, according to officials.
School officials communicated the events to parents in an automated phone message.
The lockdown lasted a little more than an hour. The school was not evacuated.