LAKELAND, Fla. — A new free college prep middle school for low-income students is getting closer to opening in Lakeland. It is called Academy Prep Lakeland.
- New college prep middle school opening in Lakeland
- Academy Prep Lakeland will start with students in 5th/6th grades
- Entrance exam process happening now, to continue in June
- Academy Prep Lakeland admissions information
School leaders held a "building up" ceremony Monday. It was something like a groundbreaking with local leaders taking part in the event.
Academy Prep classes will be held in the old John Cox Elementary School located at the corner of Memorial Blvd and Lakeland Hills Blvd. The building now houses the Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine free medical clinic. LVIM is moving to a new location.
Academy Prep is also constructing activity buildings that include a lunchroom.
Tuition to the school is funded by donations and scholarships. Students who make it through Academy Prep Lakeland will also receive scholarships to private college prep high schools.
“It’s hard to believe that it’s really true but it is true,” said Head of School Lincoln Tamayo about the scholarships. Once the students leave Academy Prep Lakeland they will also get extensive follow up to make sure they succeed in high school and make it into college.

The new Academy Prep Lakeland location is adding activity buildings and a lunchroom. (Rick Elmhorst, staff)
Academy Prep already has schools in Tampa and St. Petersburg. Almost every student attending those schools goes on to attend college.
Potential students started taking entrance exams Monday. The school will start with 5th and 6th grades.
About 25 boys and 25 girls per grade will attended classes in June but only 15 of each will make the cut to get into the school. Academy Prep will monitor how the students and their families perform during June to pick its students.
The parents have to be committed to the process. Class days will last for 11 hours and there will be Saturday classes as well.
“Whether there is a family that can get their children here on time every day and gets them to school every day for their education,” said Tamayo about the high expectations. “It’s a two-way street all the way.”
One of potential students taking an entrance exam Monday was Sarah Ellis. Her mom Lisa said both were prepared to live up to those high expectations.
“Yes sir. I’m ready to put here in a good school and get her into college,” she said. “She’s going to be here on time every day. No missing school ever.”
Academy Prep Lakeland is still looking for applicants. In fact, only about half the students scheduled to take the entrance exam on Monday showed up.