PLANT CITY, Fla. — Brett Gernertt is not your average looking or acting middle school math teacher.

  • Brett Gernertt teaches at Marshall Junior High
  • He credits rapport with students for success
  • Before teaching career, he served in Iraq
  • More Polk County headlines

He is six foot four and weighs 270 pounds. He also sports a Mohawk haircut and is a Brazilian Jui Jitsu competitor. 

Brett teaches honors math at Marshall Junior High in Plant City. But before getting into teaching, he was in the military for five years and served in Iraq. 

He has been so successful as an educator he has twice been named a Florida High Impact teacher. 

Gernertt said he always tries to keep his students entertained so they will stay engaged.

"So if you are more entertaining than Snapchat or Instagram. So if you come in everyday and you are a performance they are going to be locked in. If not, they are going to ignore you."

Gernertt said his approach to students is more than just entertaining. He also tries to connect to them on a personal level.

"To be honest, I could be the worst teacher ever, but I have such good rapport with these kids. I mean, if the kids love you, they will learn from you," he said. 

Gernertt attempts to use examples of his time in the military to bring math principles to life.