CITRUS COUNTY, Fla. — Look out, all you Blanco Brown-inspired cowboys! The Citrus County Sheriff's Office has gone viral while showing off their "Git Up Challenge" dance moves.
- Facebook video has been shared 1.9K times as of 7-23-19
- Agency using video as recruiting tool
- Watch the video:
The agency did their own take on the dance challenge craze inspired by the Blanco Brown song, which has millions of views on YouTube.
While the Sheriff's Office's version doesn't have quite those viral numbers, it is getting quite a bit of attention. As of July 23, the Facebook video featuring the dance has been shared approximately 1,900 times.
"I think it’s an awesome thing," said Sheriff Mike Prendergast. "It's just another way to get the brand out for the Citrus Co. Sheriff’s office."
Deputy Jason Boyer made the video as a way to help fill jobs at the sheriff’s office. He says the agency has to look for unique ways to recruit deputies and other positions.
"The recruitment methods of visiting schools and colleges is still very important, but we feel this is a way to visit a wider range of applicants," Boyer said.
Just this month alone, they have 14 positions to fill. The sheriff says there's a lot of competition for those roles around the state.
Those roles include deputies and "non-sworn" roles like communications and 911 dispatchers.
"We’re all fighting for that same pool of great applicants to come and join our team, so we wanted to spice it up and do something different," Prendergast said.
The video has already yielded several calls.