SIESTA KEY, Fla. — Siesta Key Oyster Bar is home to what may be the state's most expensive wallpaper.

It's been a 16 year tradition to grab a dollar bill, write a note, then use an industrial-strength staple gun to fix it on one of the bar's walls.

For the past month, employees have been carefully plucking the cash from the walls in an effort to help those in the Bahamas affected by Hurriane Dorian.

"We just kept going," explained manager Kristin Hale. "I don't think any of us would have anticipated it to be the amount it came out to."

It was finger-pricking work. Employees used screwdrivers to pull the staples one by one. After working for nearly one month, they were able to clear a few of the bar's walls.



Just a clearing a few sections of wall equaled $13,961 in cash. All of the money was handed over on Tuesday to Hurricane Dorian relief efforts.

Most of the bar is still covered with its signature marked up dollar bills. Hale says their efforts to help those in the Bahamas may not be over.

"We just need the manpower and the time," she said.

So if you've written a note on a dollar bill and stapled it to the walls of Siesta Key Oyster Bar recently, you may have unknowingly helped those who need it most. ​