ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — James McBride is the kind of English literature teacher that every sixth grader loves.

“I love a place like Northside Christian School where I can share with them knowledge about writing and English,” McBride said. “And see the excitement on their face when they are reading a fantastic story. But I also get to share the gospel with them and the love of Christ.”

McBride’s other claim to fame at Northside is something he created called the gentlemen's society.

 “My father was an absentee father so I didn't have a man to teach me to tie a tie, how to change a tire, how to do any of those,” McBride said. “So I've made it my mission to teach those things to these young men."

 So every Wednesday these young men, a dozen of them standing in the back at perfect attention, put on a tie and do lots of good deeds, like gentlemen should do.

They open doors, clean and pick up the lunch tables, speaking in kind and grateful tones, all caring things a father might teach his son in the course of his life.

 "What's the kids reaction when they see you walking around school with a tie?" I ask one of the 6th graders.

"They were like oh, cool a tie.  Like they were really surprised that I would be wearing a tie at school.  And I actually like it, too,” one students said.

"It's hard at first,” added another student. “I can never get it to be the right length. I just tuck it in and hope it doesn't fall out of my shirt.”

 So i brought 36 of my ties in a box and dumped them all on the table for the boys to use.  All of the ties have been on television. You may even remember some of them.

"Those are for us?" one of the boys asked. 

Then came the tough part.

"So watch me," I instruct the boys. "Take the big part of the tie and wrap it around the smaller part of the tie. Then bring it around again, or maybe you don't-- gosh I can't do this without a mirror."

Everyone in the room is getting a big laugh by now.

 Tying your own tie and trying to teach someone how to put on their neck wear are two very different animals... But, the lessons learned are worth it.

"I just see the impact still coming back I made in kids three years ago,” McBride said. “As they advance in their grade level they are still coming back to me today to show their appreciation."

McBride is visibly moved at the sight of his tie-draped students.

McBride's wife and son and his wife all teach at Northside Christian.

And just like McBride, they are loved by the students.

He's setting an example that will continue for decades.