LECANTO, Fla. — You don't often see Brian Hengesbach sitting at his desk. He’s usually up and about throughout the school looking for kids to encourage or giving them pep talks. Or you might catch him with his guitar singing with the students in an ecology or music class.
- Brian Hengesbach is this week's A+ teacher
- Brian teaches special education at CREST School in Lecanto
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Brian is a special education teacher at CREST School in Lecanto.
He and another student showed Al Ruechel the Spectrum Bay News 9 song they wrote together. Very cool! It might not make the top 10 list but it's full of energy.
This is all pretty amazing considering Brian made a huge career change.
“I worked in new home sales for years. I made the change and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
Brian credits his wife for encouraging him to do something that truly made him happy, more fulfilled.
His most recent highlight is working with kids planting something they call “Rock Star Eel Grass.” It’s an aquatic plant that helps cleanse the water of nearby Kings Bay. Manatees also love it.
“When I was at Crystal River primary these kids were being stewards in their own community. They got down in the shallow waters, got really muddy planting this vegetation that will help save the river. These kids are actually preserving and restoring the springs in Crystal River.”
You can see their work here. Brain also wrote a song for the kids to perform highlighting their interests in getting down and dirty to clean up the springs.
Now at the Crest School, Brian wears a different hat as a behavioral specialist.
“Your job is now to go around from classroom to classroom to make sure everybody is alright?” Al asked.
“Not just that we are also supporting the things they are doing well. I am supporting their needs. When we have a crisis we support them through it. I’m getting to know these kids, building connections. We are doing amazing things here,” he says proudly.
To say the kids love him is such an understatement. He’s helping them make a difference in other people’s lives. They are looking beyond themselves which, he says, makes them better citizens, better people.
We say a big “amen” to that by honoring Brian with an A+ teacher’s apple.