ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A suspicious death of a woman found dead in a vehicle Thursday night is now being investigated as a homicide.
- Woman found dead in parked vehicle in St. Petersburg
- Sedan parked in 7000 block of Organdy Drive North
- Homicide investigation ongoing
Police found the vehicle parked in the 7000 block of Organdy Drive North. Police remained on scene throughout the evening and most of the day Friday.
The woman has been identified as 43-year-old Sophie Solis. A neighbor we spoke to Friday said Solis was no stranger to police activity or domestic violence.
"There was conflicts going on between them and what not," said resident Dietrich Shireman. "But I never expected it to get to this point."
Shireman lives across from Solis and her boyfriend. He came home last night to crime scene tape and flashing blue lights.
Police said a friend who became concerned after not being able to contact her, found her, dead in a car parked in her driveway.
According to St. Petersburg Police, officers visited this house 18 times this year — 6 just this month.
"Most of them are domestic-related," said police spokesperson Yolanda Fernandez. "Domestic battery, domestic arguments, injunctions, that sort of thing."
Fernandez added that Solis' boyfriend was arrest Nov. 9 on an aggravated assault charge, but that charge was dropped when Solis apparently chose to not proceed with the charges.
We are not naming Solis' boyfriend at this time, as police say he has not been charged with a crime, he is not a suspect in this case nor is he a person of interest. Investigators are still gathering evidence in order to identify a suspect or suspects.
Investigators would not comment about the manner in which Solis died, but they did say an autopsy has been scheduled.