TAMPA, Fla. — Fish aren’t the only thing on display right now at the Florida Aquarium.

  • Washed Ashore exhibit now open at the Florida Aquarium
  • Exhibit features trash washed ashore on beaches
  • It aims to show how big of an issue polution is

“It’s great. It’s a fun place to be, and very informative,” said Frank Marotta, who is visiting from Michigan.

Now, the fish are joined by the new “Washed Ashore” exhibit, which turns trash into treasure.

“To make it into art is sort of ironic because they’re beautifying it and really it’s trash,” said Elizabeth Hendrick, who is visiting from New Hampshire.

If you look closely, you’ll see the exhibits made out of detergent bottles, plastic balls, milk cartons, and other plastics. 

And while they’re pretty to look at, the idea is to to draw attention to a big problem. 

“All of the pieces are made out of trash that has washed ashore on beaches. So all of the pieces, as you get up closer, you’ll see lighters, you’ll see beach toys, you’ll see plastic bottles. And that’s an important message that whatever we use or purchase as a consumer can end up in the oceans,” said Meghan Fellner, Digital Communications Manager with the Florida Aquarium. 

About 6 million tons of plastic waste enter our oceans each year, and this aims to show people just how big of an issue it is. 

“I think people can take away a broader awareness about what happens to their trash, and hopefully they’ll walk away reducing their use of plastics and being more mindful about their trash,” said Fullner.

You can do your part by using reusable water bottles, reducing single use plastics, and purchasing products made of other materials. 

The “Washed Ashore” exhibit will remain on display through August.