CLEARWATER — Between e-learning and sports cancellations, it’s sometimes tough for kids to find motivation to get out and get moving. 

However, for one 14-year-old Clearwater boy, fitness is his new success story.

Aiden Buck has been working with trainer Tony Overton for about three months.

What You Need To Know

  • Pandemic has been tough on kids getting out and being active

  • Clearwater 14-year-old Aiden Buck took up boxing

  • O-Strong Fitness LLC

“I feel better about myself, how I look, and just how I feel day to day,” Aiden Buck said.

“After a few days we of hit it off pretty well and he saw that my interest was making him a better person,” said Tony Overton owner of O-Strong Fitness LLC.

Aiden has lost nearly ten pounds, he’s improved his posture, and has more self-confidence.

He’s also found a new hobby…boxing.

“He doesn’t play a school sport so getting into working out and boxing was something he could utilize,” said his mother Kelly Kubiak.

Aiden has gone from gamer to boxer and it’s been a game changer.

“He was lazy, playing video games, eating all types of snacks and his Mom just wanted more for him,” Overton said.

Aiden has advice for other kids when it comes to making a plan and sticking with it.

“Think of what you’re going to do after school before school and then when you’re like ‘I don’t want to work’, think of when you’re occupying yourself with the work that’s been given to you, the day goes faster,” he said.

“There’s no excuse, get outside to do something. Run, jog, walk, play a sport that you like and just do something to keep your body moving just like you keep your mind moving in the classroom,” said Overton.

For more information about O-Strong Fitness LLC: