ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A virtual public meeting is scheduled Tuesday night for Shore Acres homeowners in St. Petersburg detailing a new water main project in the neighborhood.

The eight-month long project will replace 5,000 feet of 8-inch pipe the city has determined needs to be replaced due to age.

But the water main will do little to address the biggest concerns for most homeowners in Shore Acres, storm water flooding.

What You Need To Know

  • Virtual meeting Tuesday for Shore Acres homeowners

  • Meeting concerns new water main project in the neighborhood

  • Several homeowners still dealing with damage from last year's flooding from Hurricane Eta

Many homeowners still have not moved back in to homes damage by flooding last fall caused by Hurricane Eta.

Storage pods remain sitting in driveways, and debris is still piled up as contractors tear out drywall, flooring and make electrical repairs to several homes.

As the city launches its water main project, some homeowners are working to solve their own flooding issues.

At least one home is now being raised to a second story, and other homeowners are debating raising homes too.

"A lot of it is lifting your house up, jacking it up to a second story and putting a garage or another layer underneath it, as well as jacking it up just enough to put enough dirt so you are a lot higher above the grade of water," homeowner Ryan Heartly said.  

Heartly is living in his home as repairs from Eta flooding are still happening.  

Heartly says raising his home is an option, but an expensive one.

"You are talking a quarter million dollars,"​ Heartly said.

The water main project will help save the neighborhood from future pipe breaks that could cause flooding, but not from any kind of rainwater or storm surge flooding, the biggest concern for homeowners.

Here are the details for tonight’s virtual meeting on the water main project:

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