Lutz, Fla. - Doing good for others is a life lesson best learned young. On a neighborhood street in Lutz in the dead of Winter, two kids sit outside their home under a cloudy sky — waiting. 

It doesn't take long before kids begin to show up, all with a handful of change in their hands. 

“Oh Cookies & Cream is new,” says one girl, ready to buy from a menu.  

Eli Savage holds out a menu to upcoming customers, while his younger sister Evangeline runs off to fetch their orders. 

“We got some Popsicles, and then started getting some money," said Evangeline Savage, 6. "Then we gave it to the girl and then she got some treatment.”

They've raised a small fortune for kids under ten. But they won't keep a dime. 

Instead, they are giving the money to a girl Evangeline's age who lives in Russia. A girl named Sofia, who is battling stage four skin cancer. 

Eli and Evangeline's mother grew up with Sofia's mother in Russia. 

“There is very limited treatment in Russia for that, so she is now, thanks to the donations and support, she was able to receive, she is going through immunotherapy treatment. So she has been through probably six rounds and she is doing much better," said Natalia Savage, the children's mother. 

In total, they've raised just over $600 for Sofia. In the process, they have brought a fair share of smiles to their neighborhood too. 

There is a GoFund Me Page set up for Sofia, if you want to help you can donate there.