LARGO, Fla. — Richard Wells teaches math at Largo Middle School.

The educator was recently recognized as an "It Factor" in Pinellas County Schools for being an inspiring teacher.

"I think math gets a bad rap," said the algebra teacher.

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"Do you not like math because you’re bad at it? Or are you bad at it because you don’t like math? Our job as math teachers is to throw a wrench in that.”

Which is exactly what Wells says he's trying to do.

"I try to make it fun, I try to bring up things in their real world lives," said Wells.

The teacher of five years didn't start in the classroom.

"There was always that idea in the back of my head," said Wells.

After college, Wells enlisted in the military, then worked in the business world.

"I haven’t looked back, this is the career for me,” said Wells.

A career he's spending encouraging students, building confidence with every equation.

"I think the students need to know that you’re invested and then then really, it’s just I think we’ve got to highlight the small wins," said Wells.

" I think you’ve got to meet them exactly where they’re at.”

The pandemic has students across the state seeing a learning loss in math. For Wells more struggles means more encouragement.

"I know our starting point is going to be a little, maybe a little bit lower than where it normally is but the idea is what am I going to do today to challenge them?" said Wells.

Challenging and inspiring, Wells wants it all to add up to a feeling of achievement.

"Obviously, they need to know how to solve equations," said Wells. "But if I can connect the dots between hard work and earning something and achieving something, then that’s something they can take with them for, regardless of where they go."