ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - In every aspect of Dominic Ghizzoni’s life, he just dives right in. 

Ever since this Boca Ciega High senior was a young boy, it’s been on your mark, get set, go.

“I’ve just been doing it since I was little and it was the first sport in high school where I felt like I did good at it,” he said.

A leader on the Pirates swim team, Dominic’s one of the top swimmers in Pinellas County. His drive to be the best extends into his studies as well.

ABOVE: Watch the full story and more about Spectrum News Scholar Athlete

“Dominic is really good about balancing athletics and academics and he obviously excels at both really, really well,” Boca Ciega Swim Coach Andrea Goode said. “I just really think he epitomizes what it means to be a student athlete.”

When it comes to being an athlete, there’s just something about the pool that feels like home to Dominic. He gets to be free in the water. And that freedom carries over.

“It helps me balance other things in school,” Dominic said. “So I can just have multiple things and learn to balance a workload.”

That balance paid off with some much deserved recognition. Dominic’s biggest fans gathered in the school’s conference room to honor him as the Spectrum Pinellas County Scholar Athlete. 

That included his parents who beamed with pride as their son’s credentials were read aloud. His weighted 4.46 GPA. His 1500 SAT score. There was a lot to be proud of.

“It just shows that all the work has paid off that I’ve done,” Dominic said. “And that doing good in school and athletics can get you somewhere.”

That somewhere for Dominic is college. He hasn’t decided where, just yet. He’s looking at Ivy League schools and a host of Florida universities. Wherever he ends up, swimming will be a big reason why he lands there.

“After competing in swimming, I kind of get a competitive sense in everything,” he said.

“In every step of the way, he’s planned for it and he’s prepared for it and he’s excelled over the last four years,” Goode said. “Now his moment to shine is finally coming.”

Swimming’s taken Dominic places he could only dream of. And the sport will help propel and guide him in everything he does the rest of his life.

“I’ve learned to dedicate myself to something,” Dominic said. “And I’ve learned that you get out what you put in. So through swimming, I can take that into life and anything really.”

About Scholar Athlete

Spectrum Bay News 9 wants to recognize exemplary student athletes — teens who excel both on the field in and in the classroom.

Throughout the school year, we’ll be introducing you to a Scholar Athlete from one of the Bay area's seven counties.

Scholar Athletes are nominated and chosen by school staff and represent what the schools consider to be a prime example of hard work, dedication, and positive impact on their school communities.

Winners also receive a $1,000 scholarship toward their continued education courtesy of Spectrum Networks.