CLEARWATER, Fla. – Starting Monday, June 27, crews working for Clearwater Public Utilities will begin smoke testing of sanitary sewer system lines throughout the city of Clearwater. The groups will be trying to find leaks and defects in the sanitary sewer system, where stormwater or groundwater might be entering.
Smoke testing will take place weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for five weeks in several different city neighborhoods, weather permitting.
White smoke will be circulated into the sewer lines and manholes to locate broken pipes and other defects, and it will exit from vent pipes on roofs. The smoke is non-toxic, leaves no residue and will not create any fire hazard. The smoke will not enter any homes unless there is defective plumbing present or the drain traps are dry. If potential problems are found on private property, residents will be notified of repairs that may need to be made.
Doorhangers will be delivered to homes in project areas a few days in advance of smoke testing, when possible.
For questions or concerns, call Clearwater Public Utilities at (727) 562-4960.