CLEARWATER, FLA -- During the height of the pandemic, a new school opened in Clearwater called Autism Inspired Academy.

The school is now going into its third year. The goal each day is to make sure students have a life of meaning, purpose and joy. Cher Harris co-founded the school in 2020 and she was nominated to be an A+ Teacher.

What You Need To Know

Harris started her career as a teacher. She always knew she wanted to help children with autism. And it was always her goal to open a school.

"I just didn't really know how I was going to get there or what that was going to look like until a met Liz," said Harris, who is also the Principal. 

Liz Russell is the school's other founder. Together, they created a space dedicated to students' success.

"I saw the potential in the leadership in Cher and said, 'I think this would be a great thing for us to do for the community and for other parents.' They need it," said Russell.

"[We're] trying to create a really good space where students are thriving and not just coming to be safe and happy but getting everything they need to have a great future," said Harris.

They've accomplished that by bringing together all of the services their students need.

​"We work a lot on life skills, social skills, behavior skills and then just how to get them into the workforce," said Harris. 

Right now 71 students are enrolled in kindergarten through ninth grade. Harris hopes to expand in the future so they can help even more families.

"Our goal is to really make the school that village, have everyone here that we need. make it quality and just really an effective place where parents can come and get help for their kids and themselves," said Harris.