St. Petersburg, Fla. — The oldest gas station in St. Pete is getting a new lease on life. The former gas station is located near 4th Street South and 24th Avenue and originally opened back in the early 1920s.

What You Need To Know

  • Oldest gas station in St. Petersburg opened in 1924    

  • Former city coucnilmember Robert Blackmon bought gas station and is fixing it up     

  • The gas station was originally owned by Standard Oil 

  • Blackmon wants to turn it into a restaurant or coffee shop as well as make it look like it is a functioing station from the 1920s

Over the years, it has been a number of businesses, including an auto shop. However, for years it sat empty and fell into disrepair, and nobody knew the history of the building.

A few years ago, former Councilman Robert Blackmon decided to uncover the history of the place and discovered that it was the oldest gas station in the city when it was built by Standard Oil in 1924.

"When I saw the name Standard Oil, I was amazed. Standard Oil is a big name that's part of history," Blackmon said.

Blackmon purchased the property and vowed to renovate the place and bring it back to life. The building is still undergoing renovation, and he's had to deal with a collapsed roof, rotting wood, and replacing the windows.

He plans to turn the old building into a coffee shop or restaurant, complete with old-school gas pumps, restoring the building's original look.

Blackmon acknowledges that there is still much work to be done, and it could cost as much as $500,000 when complete.

Despite the hefty cost, Blackmon believes it's worth it to save this piece of history and create a standout landmark in an ever-changing city, and to preserve its history.

He hopes to have the work finished by the fall.

Correction: This article has been updated to clairfy the location of the property.