TAMPA, Fla. — Going on this weekend at the Florida State Fairgrounds is Tampa Toy Con, where over 150 vendors will be showcasing and selling many different toys.

From vintage to modern toys and comics to  video games, it's a pop culture paradise for all ages. 

Marc Moriarty, a vendor at the event, said that while there are some rare finds that can cost a pretty penny, it's the memories and nostalgia that his buyers always leave with.

"I think people reliving their childhood, it's a lot of stuff from the 80s that people had when they were growing up, or some have had parents pass on and this bring them closer to those memories and their families," he said.

The event runs July 8, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. though July 9, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Tickets start at $10, but admission is free for children 12 and under.