WINTER HAVEN, Fla. — A Polk County woman is thankful for all the people who came to her aid after a car accident in July.

What You Need To Know

  • Charlene Friday was involved in a July accident on Highway 17 in Winter Haven

  • Raymond Harris saw the accident scene, got into Friday’s car and got her out safely

  • Friday was so thankful for all the people that helped her that she posted a special thank you on Facebook

  • Would you like to nominate an Everyday Hero? Click here

Charlene Friday’s car wound up upside down in a grassy area along Highway 17 in Winter Haven.

Raymond Harris was driving in the opposite direction but saw the accident scene right after it happened. “Seeing it upside down, I just knew I had to pull over and help,” said Harris. He got out of his car and ran across the highway to help.

Charlene was hanging upside down in her car, suspended by her seat belt.

“I was panicked,” she said. “I could hear people outside yelling. I didn’t know if my car was on fire.”

The car wasn’t on fire. And Harris was able to get in through a hatch window and got Friday gently out of her seat belt.  “I’m not sure if they cut my seatbelt or undid my seatbelt. But when I dropped they held me. I didn’t drop on the roof. They held me.” Harris then helped to get Friday out of the car.

This was the scene after Charlene Friday's car overturned.

Harris’ wife was able to contact Friday’s husband by social media to let him know what happened and he quickly came to the scene of the accident.

A number of people waited with Friday until first responders arrived. She was so thankful for everyone’s help that she posted a heartfelt thanks on a community Facebook page.

“I mean you hear about all the bad in the world. You never hear about the good,” said Friday. “And that’s why up put up the things thanking everybody and letting them know how much it meant to me that there were people there to help.”

Raymond Harris was humble about his quick action to help Friday.

“I’m no hero. I’m no hero. Maybe to my kids, a hero to them,” he said. “But other than that I was just doing what any good citizen should do.”