ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — With many residents still cleaning up from Idalia, at-home workers are looking for alternatives until their homes are fixed up.

What You Need To Know

  • Thrive DTSP is helping work-at-home residents affected by Idalia

  • Residents interested in using the space can show up and explain their situation post-Idalia

  • It's located on 4th Street in St. Petersburg

A Bay area business is offering free and discounted work space for people displaced by the storm.

Scott Mange is one of those benefiting from the service. He is still drying out the house he purchased just six months ago. Idalia dumped eight inches of water inside.

“I wasn’t concerned at all, wasn’t thinking it was going to be a big deal,” Mange said. “But the storm surge really snuck up on us.”

The storm surge not only damaged his house in Shore Acres, but it flooded his office.

When he heard about Thrive DTSP, which offers free and discounted space for Idalia victims who are unable to work from home, he signed up.

“We set them up with everything they need to do to go to work,” said operation manager Brooke Beeler. “Just set the laptop down and go to work.”

Mange has been living with family and said working has been a challenge.

“A lot of the stuff that I do requires solid concentration because I work with things with a lot of moving parts, and I have meetings I need to take, and if I have kids running around, it makes it a lot more difficult to concentrate and be productive,” he said.

He said he is thankful for his new space at Thrive DTSP.

Residents interested in using the space can show up and explain their situation post-Idalia. Thrive DTSP is on 4th Street, across from Williams Park and is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.