TAMPA, Fla. — Auto insurance has become a major headache for many in the Sunshine State.

What You Need To Know

Florida is quickly becoming one of the most expensive states for auto or homeowners' insurance. It can be tough for so many, and it could lead to breaking the bank or someone even opting to not get insurance at all.

For people on fixed incomes, seeing a spike in insurance rates can be devastating. One senior citizen, Ernie Bach, got a major shock recently when his policy was up for renewal and he saw his new rate.

“My question to every one of our legislators, why did my insurance go up from $340 for a six-month premium from the previous six months to this year to $1,454 dollars for the last six months of the year? What the hell caused that, and how am I expected to pay that,” Bach said.

Bach said he has never had a speeding ticket and he drives a car that’s 20 years old, so he doesn’t understand the major price increase.

Bach has a long history of working in politics. He said he knows the game and how powerful the insurance lobby is at the state Capitol.

He is part of an organization called the Florida Silver Haired Legislature and is also head of the Independent Party of Florida. He said he worries that these rates will hurt many in Florida.

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