The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has officially approved another extension for the scallop season. Residents can now go scalloping from July 10 to Aug. 18.

What You Need To Know

  •  Scallop season is from July 10 to Aug. 18

  •  Some see it as a a chance to boost the economy and tourism 

  •  Other worry that the extension could hurt the scallop population 

Back in 2018, scallop season in Pasco was 10 days. Last year, it was extended to 37 days, and then this month, the FWC reviewed the season and produced a report that says the scallop population in Pasco would be able to support an even longer season.

The extension is viewed by many as a chance to bring in more tourism to the area, and something will help the economy. Others, though, worry the extension could harm the scallop population.

Capt. Wendy Longman owns Windsong Charters and Boat Rentals in New Port Richey, and she is concerned that an extended season could quickly deplete the scallop population.

“Obviously, for my bottom line, it’s a great thing," she said. "But I have some concerns about sustainability, and there needs to be more of an education component to teach people, limit your catch, don’t catch your limit."

The new season will begin on July 10. This is also a change from last year when it began on July 1. FWC and the Pasco County Sheriffs Office says there were safety concerns having the season overlapping with the Fourth of July due to the number of boats and people swimming around in the water.