ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — With school out for the summer, families are searching for activities their kids can take part in that are both entertaining and safe. 

What You Need To Know

  • Dozens gathered Saturday morning to take part in the St. Pete Safe Summer Kickoff

  • Events like Saturday's are around to provide parents activities for their kids to take part in this summer

  • Starting on June 14, Safe Summer Fridays will begin every other Friday at Lake Vista from 6:30-10:30 p.m.

Lisa Wheeler-Bowman, the Community Impact and Safety Liaison for the city of St. Petersburg, said they're taking steps to make sure kids in their community can have both through events like the St. Pete Safe Summer Kickoff.

"If someone comes to me and says they don't feel safe living in this city, which they are calling their home, I need to get out and do something about it," she said.

Sgt. Brian Gainer with the St. Petersburg Police Department said in the summer months they see an increase in property crimes from burglaries to auto thefts, making the time he and other officers spend connecting with the community becomes even more important.

"The biggest thing we want to do is just continue to build, continue to have time for the kids to come out and do something with their time," he said.

Reaching the community and letting them know there are activities is why Wheeler-Bowman said they hosted this event. She added this doesn't fall just on kids, but on parents setting them up for success.

"Parents can then in turn enroll their students in something or their loved ones, their teenagers, grandkids, nieces, nephews in something so they won't have to sit around and make a bad choice," she said.

Starting on June 14, Safe Summer Fridays will begin every other Friday at Lake Vista from 6:30-10:30 p.m.

As for who is eligible to attend, the city of St. Petersburg's website states: "The events are for the St. Pete's youth ages 12 to 16 and will provide a safe space for young teens to enjoy an open gym, movie night, and refreshments hosted by the recreation center. Upon arriving, the guardians of the participants will need to sign a waiver for the teens to gain access to the evening event."