TAMPA, Fla. — Hillsborough County will host a Vulnerability and Resilience Public Engagement meeting tonight, targeting residents that live in high-risk flood areas.

The purpose of the meeting is to get feedback from residents on flooding issues, and for the county to mitigate those issues which, in-turn, could speed recovery.

What You Need To Know

  • Vulnerability and Resilience Public Engagement meeting tonight

  •  Purpose of the meeting is to get feedback from residents on flooding issues, and for the county to mitigate those issues

  • Meeting: Vulnerability and Resilience: Public Engagement

Last year, Hurricane Idalia sent storm surge over the banks of the Little Manatee River, inundating My Warrior’s Place.

It’s a non-profit retreat for veterans and first responders, allowing them free vacations in cottages and recreation areas on its four-acre property.

Kelly Kowal, founder of My Warrior’s Place, said volunteers are still working on recovery after three cottages, a laundry room and fitness center were destroyed by surge.

“I was concerned,” Kowal said. “How much it was going to cost to repair everything?”

The other thing too, we had just kind of recouped from Covid, which we again, no help from the county for any kind of funding, no help from the government on a state of national level because we are all 100% volunteer run.”

Thanks to the donation of time and resources from more than 50 volunteer contractors and companies, My Warrior’s Place has repaired all but one cottage impacted by Idalia surge.

My Warrior’s Place is just one of dozens of homes and businesses in high-risk flood areas, and the county tonight is asking for feedback from residents about flooding concerns, so it can work to mitigate flooding issues.

The meeting is happening from 6-7:30 p.m. tonight at the Riverview Public Library, but also can be joined virtually.

For more information, visit here www.hcfl.gov/events/vulnerability-and-resilience-public-engagement