TAMPA, Fla. — As school districts completed their first week of classes, school leaders say it can take some time to get adjusted, especially for students who are new to the area.

What You Need To Know

  • The Hillsborough County School District is set to open a Family and Community Center

  • District officials say the center will serve families who may be new to the area or the country

  • The center is expected to open in three weeks at 5630 North Lois Avenue in Tampa

It’s part of the reason why Hillsborough County school district officials are opening a Family and Community Center. 

It’s a project years in the making, and school board members hope it is a place new families can feel connected.

“No matter where they come from — if they’re from out of state, out of the district or out of the country we want to make sure to give them support,” said District 1 school board member Nadia Combs. “Because at the end of the day, it’s very important that parents and the district are working closely together.”

Combs says almost half of the students in the district are Hispanic, and the center has been something she’s been pushing for, hoping to serve families who may not speak English.

“Those Hispanic communities are thriving and we want to make sure that we teach them how to navigate the system,” said Combs. “When we stabilize families and we stabilize students then we have a better and stronger community.”

This center will be a benefit for parents like Linette Suarez. She moved to Florida a year and a half ago and there’s still a lot she’s learning as she gets involved in her children’s education.

“They’re going to have the support of someone to help them with their educational career and learn where to apply,” said Linette.

The space will offer school registrations, physicals, transcripts, tutoring for students, exceptional student education support and much more.

Linette says the school system is different in Latin American countries so having the support is important.

“There’s a lot of Hispanic students in the school system and we as parents need to be involved in our child’s studies to learn with them,” she said.

The center is expected to open in three weeks and will be open daily for families to access.

It’s located at 5630 North Lois Avenue in Tampa.