TAMPA, Fla. — Helping homeless veterans get into permanent housing is one of the main goals of the group Seniors in Service.

What You Need To Know

  • The Farm to Fork: Veteran Cooking Series aims to teach veterans cooking skills

  • There will be six total classes

  • The next class is January 25 

  • MORE INFORMATION: Seniors in Service

They also work to ensure the veterans they help have the skills to stay off the streets and take care of themselves. 

One such program, Farm to Fork: Veteran Cooking Series, aims to give veterans cooking skills that help make their lives a little easier.  

Army Veteran Rosa Washington led the first of the classes.

“We did what we came out to do,” she said. “Make everyone happy and give them the knowledge of what could be needed or what they needed help with.” 

Washington said she’s teaching other vets because she wants to share her skills with her fellow brothers and sisters-in-arms who are going through a tough time.  

One of the students is Air Force Veteran Robert Dickson. 

Previously homeless for about a year, he’s now living in an apartment. He’s eager to cook and to connect with other veterans going through similar situations.

“It is hard, but you know you just got to put in that extra effort,” he said. 

Robert attended the first of six cooking classes the organization is hosting. The next one January 25.