LARGO, Fla. — Largo High School welding instructor Dwight Lewis has spent decades as an educator.
“Welding is the career that is needed all around the world," he said. "If you look wherever you go right now, everything that starts has to do with welding."
He says he started learning about welding after he graduated from high school in Jamaica. Lewis says he makes sure his students know the ins and outs of the welding trade before they graduate.
“To start from scratch teaching them something new and then within a short period of time, they’re able to own it and build on that, that makes me feel good as a teacher,” Lewis said.
One of his students, Keenan Carter, nominated Lewis to be featured as an A+ Teacher.
“He deserves it," Carter said. "He’s my favorite teacher ... I had him first last year, and he makes me smile every day. So that’s all you really need."
“I just want them to be able to do their best, to be disciplined and to know that once you work hard, then whatever you want you can achieve it,” Lewis said.