PARRISH, Fla. — When preparing to cuddle a baby Nigerian Dwarf Goat, Sara Evancho handles them like small dogs.

What You Need To Know

  • Florida on a Tankful visits Serenity Oaks Homestead 

  • It's located at 15802 Golf Course Road in Parrish

  • Reservations are required for weekend baby goat cuddle sessions

  • They also offer farm eggs and create products with goat milk

“You won’t hurt them,” she said.

Evancho offers this goat-human encounter at her Serenity Oaks Homestead in Parrish.

“Just holding something soft and cuddly can help lower your blood pressure, give a sense of wellbeing,” said Evancho.

Between the cuddly goats and the great outdoors, the goat encounter is a glow up for your insides, all courtesy of these social and curious little kids.

Evancho said the cuddling hours idea came from of an elderly farm couple who suggested the best part of farm life is new life.

“And it kind of just took off from there," she said. "I was like, ‘Nobody’s gonna come to this.’  And we’ve been full almost every weekend. It’s been a godsend.”