As we are getting into the winter season, there are some different types of advisories that may be issued for the Tampa Bay area. Since it is extremely rare to see winter precipitation here, our advisories deal with the cold.
The criteria for what is cold here is not the same criteria that is used for advisories in Minnesota! In fact, the criteria is not even the same across our entire Tampa Bay area.
Let's start with wind chill. Wind chill impacts only people and animals. If a wind chill watch is issued, here is what to expect:
The wind chill (combination of temperature and wind) is forecast to be 20 degrees or less for three hours or more with a wind of at least 10 mph. This is expected to happen within 12 to 48 hours. That is why it is a "watch".
But from Hernando and Citrus Counties and areas north, the wind chill criteria is 10 degrees or less.
If a wind chill advisory is issued: Expect a wind chill of 21 to 35 degrees with a wind of 10 mph or higher. This is expected to happen within 18 hours.

But for Hernando and Citrus Counties and north, the wind chill criteria is 11 to 25 degrees.
If conditions are harsher than that, a wind chill warning would be issued. A wind chiill warning means you can expect a wind chill of 20 degrees or less with a 10 mph wind or higher, with conditions lasting three or more hours.
Now for Hernando and Citrus Counties, the wind chill would have to be 10 degrees or less for the warning to be issued. A warning is issued when these conditions are expected within 18 hours.
There are also advisories issued for freezing temperatures. Temperatures at 32 degrees and below impact people, animals, and plants.
Meanwhile, if a freeze watch is issued:
Expect temperatures of 32 degrees or less lasting for at least two hours over a widespread area. This is expected to happen within 12 to 48 hours.
A hard freeze watch means that temperatures of 27 degrees or less are expected for at least two hours over a widespread area. This is forecast to happen within 12 to 48 hours.
If a freeze warning is issued, expect temperatures of 32 degrees or lower lasting for two or more hours over a widespread or highly populated area. These conditions are expected within 18 hours.
A hard freeze warning would be issued if the temperatures is expected to be 27 degrees or lower, lasting two or more hours, over a widespread or more populated area. These conditions are expected within 18 hours.
All of these criteria are the same across the entire Tampa Bay area. Covering your plants in this case will not do anything to keep them warmer unless you add heat. Covering your plants can only protect them from frost.
So stay warm this winter season when we get our cold spells!