BROOKSVILLE, Fla. — Two women in Brooksville are singing the praises of Florida's State Forest Trailwalker Program and are encouraging more people to get involved. 

  • Eleanor Anderson a part of the Florida Forest Trialwalker Program
  • Anderson, 80, the first woman to complete 1K miles in program
  • Goal of program is to reach new levels the more you walk

Eleanor Anderson just became the first woman and second person ever to complete one thousand miles in the program.  Her dog denny was by her side for over 300 of those miles. 

“I’m almost 81, so if I can do it anybody can," Anderson said. 

Anderson and her friend Leta Settle joined Florida's trailwalker program in 2016. 

The goal of the program is to reach new levels the more miles you walk. 

For Settle and Anderson, the best part is just being in nature. 

"You walk out and you can hear the wind in the trees and sometimes when it rains people just get wet — well, we feel the rain," Settle said. 

When the two friends started out they hit a new trail each week.  They have already explored several trails throughout the state. 

“Eleanor has been a great inspiration to me, you know. We’ll call and say 'Ok, you ready to go? Ok, we’ll go.' And she’s like the energizer bunny, just keeps on going,” Settle said. 

It's time spent together that these friends say will last a lifetime.