CLEARWATER, Fla. — A proposed 35-story twin condo complex in Clearwater has nearby residents asking city leaders to take a look at the potential environmental impacts it could cause.

Though, the developer says it’s too soon to criticize the plans since this is only a proposal.

What You Need To Know

  • The property being considered is located at 432 Bay Avenue in Clearwater

  • Maryellen Gordon said residents in her complex learned that a developer is proposing to build twin towers, 35 stories high, on the water, right next to her condo complex

  • The development company in charge of the proposed project says renderings and plans are just conceptual

The property is located at 432 Bay Avenue in Clearwater.

Maryellen Gordon lives at the Prelude 80 condo complex, right next to where the proposed development would be located. She originally moved in the condo complex because of the waterfront view. But it’s the work that’s being proposed outside that caught her eye.

“We knew this would get developed at some point, we just never expected it would be able to come that close to the coast line, and we never thought that it would go as ridiculously and inexplicably tall as it is going,” she said.

Gordon said residents in her complex learned that a developer is proposing to build twin towers, 35 stories high, on the water, right next to her condo complex.

“Just to give you neighborhood context. Our building is about 13 stories, the assisted living facility right there is about 15 stories. I believe the tallest building in Clearwater is probably that white high rise and that’s 23 to 25 stories,” Gordon said. “There are plans to put in an underground parking garage facing the coastline. So the questions about sustainability and resiliency of that are also a huge issue.”

It’s huge for Jeffrey Denis. He’s the president of the Prelude 80 condo complex’s association. He says the proposed building makes him think of tragedy.

“We think of Surfside definitely,” Denis said of the 2022 building collapse there. “This building is built on the same bedrock as they’re gonna be drilling and we’re worried about what is that going to do to our foundation.”

Valor Capital is the development company in charge of the proposed project. The company submitted documents to the City of Clearwater about the project. But officials with the development firm say the renderings and plans are just conceptual and proposals.

The company is currently doing Geotech work on the property, using rock and soil mechanics to investigate the subsurface geologic conditions.

Representatives from the company said they’re in the beginning stages of the long process to figure out if city leaders think the proposal is even possible. The final design process is still another year and a half out.

So, nothing is set in stone and the worries of residents like Denis and Gordon will be considered in community meetings before any foundation is laid, according to the development firm.