A spring freeze can severely damage your garden or farm. Knowing when a freeze happens can save you from losing your crop.

What You Need To Know

  • A spring freeze can occur as late as May and June

  • Spraying water or laying mulch can protect your plants

  • There are steps you can take if your plant does get hit by a spring freeze

The northern half of the country can see its latest spring freeze in May or even June. Areas in the south typically see the last spring freeze in April.

Take preventative measures if a freeze is in your forecast. This includes spraying your plants with water to protect them from the cold temperatures, laying mulch around the plants, or bringing potted or hanging plants inside for the night.

If your plants do get hit by a hard freeze, there is a possibility they could survive.

Plants are resilient and can heal themselves, but first, make sure to check the crown of the plant to see if it's still green and healthy. If it is, trim any dead leaves, and give the plants more nutrients.

Watch the video above to hear more from Payton Flowers, horticulture agent for the Cooperative Extension Service.

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